Employment Scheme

Welcome to the Al Qayoom Foundation’s Employment Scheme page. At Al Qayoom Foundation, we believe in empowering individuals through gainful employment opportunities, thereby fostering economic stability and self-sufficiency within the community. Our Employment Scheme aims to connect job seekers with suitable employment opportunities while also providing support and resources to enhance employability.

Services Offered:

  1. Job Placement Assistance: We work closely with local businesses and employers to identify job openings and match them with qualified candidates from our pool of job seekers.

  2. Skills Development Programs: Al Qayoom Foundation offers various skills development programs and vocational training courses to enhance the employability of individuals. These programs cover a wide range of industries and skill sets, providing participants with valuable knowledge and practical skills.

  3. Resume Building and Interview Preparation: Our team assists job seekers in creating professional resumes and preparing for job interviews, equipping them with the tools and confidence needed to secure employment.

  4. Career Counseling: We provide personalized career counseling sessions to help individuals explore their career options, set goals, and develop a clear career path.

  5. Entrepreneurship Support: For individuals interested in starting their own businesses, we offer entrepreneurship support programs, including mentorship, business planning assistance, and access to microfinance resources.

How to Get Involved:

  1. Job Seekers: If you are currently seeking employment or looking to enhance your employability, we encourage you to explore our job listings, skills development programs, and resources available on our website. Register with us to access personalized support and guidance on your employment journey.

  2. Employers: If you are a business owner or employer looking to hire qualified candidates, we invite you to partner with us and take advantage of our job placement services. Contact us to discuss your hiring needs and learn how we can assist you in finding the right talent for your organization.

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Social Connects

Call now on 08008611485 To donate your Zakat, Sadaqh,Lillah,Fidyah And Zakat al-Fitr WhatsApp on 02080582908 and we will send you a link to pay.

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