Financial Aid

Welcome to the Al Qayoom Foundation’s Financial Aid program page. We understand that financial hardships can be overwhelming, and we are here to provide support and assistance to individuals and families facing financial challenges. Through our Financial Aid program, we aim to alleviate financial burdens and empower individuals to achieve financial stability and independence.

Services Offered:

  1. Emergency Financial Assistance: We offer emergency financial assistance to individuals and families experiencing unexpected crises, such as medical emergencies, natural disasters, or sudden loss of income. Our goal is to provide timely support to help alleviate financial stress during difficult times.

  2. Education Grants: Al Qayoom Foundation believes in the power of education to transform lives. We provide education grants and scholarships to deserving students to help cover tuition fees, school supplies, and other educational expenses, enabling them to pursue their academic goals and build a brighter future.

  3. Microfinance Loans: We offer microfinance loans to aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners who lack access to traditional banking services. These loans provide individuals with the financial resources they need to start or expand their businesses, create employment opportunities, and improve their livelihoods.

  4. Debt Relief Programs: For individuals burdened by overwhelming debt, we provide debt relief programs and financial counseling services to help them manage and reduce their debt load. Our team works with creditors to negotiate favorable repayment terms and develop sustainable debt repayment plans.

  5. Financial Literacy Workshops: Al Qayoom Foundation conducts financial literacy workshops and seminars to educate individuals on budgeting, saving, investing, and other essential financial skills. These workshops empower participants to make informed financial decisions and improve their financial well-being.

How to Apply:

  1. Applicants: If you are in need of financial assistance, we encourage you to explore our Financial Aid programs and determine which services best suit your needs. Click on Contact Us Button.

24 Hours Emergency Call

In times of crisis, a single call can make all the difference. Whether it’s a medical emergency, a fire, or a threat to personal safety, immediate action is crucial.

Social Connects

Call now on 08008611485 To donate your Zakat, Sadaqh,Lillah,Fidyah And Zakat al-Fitr WhatsApp on 02080582908 and we will send you a link to pay.

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